Avoiding Conflicts Between Trees and Utility Services
Deciding where to plant your tree is serious business and
you should give it the attention it deserves. There are many factors that need
to be considered when planting. One of the main conflicts that occur is between
trees and utility services.
We take utility services for granted and often don’t give
them a second thought. When we are planting smaller trees we often forget to
look into the future when these trees will be big and potentially create a
problem when they become entwined in utility lines. Overhead lines carry
electricity, data, commutations and more. However, there are also underground
lines that we need to pay attention to such as sewer, water, and natural gas.
The location of utility services plays a key role in where you will plant your
Overhead Lines
It’s easy to spot overhead lines. These lines might look
harmless but they actually are very dangerous. When you plant tall growing
trees under these lines, eventually your utility provider will have to prune
your trees to maintain safe clearance around the lines. Periodic pruning can
also shorten the life of your tree as these trees are under greater trees. If
you have overhead lines where you plan to plant, it is better to choose trees
that will not grow as tall.
Underground Lines
When you first dig your hole to plant your tree knowing
where underground lines lie is important but the real problem occurs years
later when the roots of that tree have spread. Often tree roots and underground
lines coexist with no problems. However if you plant near the underground lines
the roots of your tree could be damaged should the utility company have to do
repairs to their lines, so keep that in mind. Before digging call your local
utility company so you know where underground utilities lie.