Tree Surgery Services in Asheville & Buncombe County, NC
Welcome to Low Price Tree Services! We currently offer a wide array of tree services for you to take advantage of in the state of North Carolina. Our service areas include Asheville, Henderson County, Buncombe County and Hendersonville.
Extensive years of training ensure that our arborists perform the best tree surgery procedures. You can be confident that quality is at the forefront of our work. Many people may be under the pretense that our team’s work revolves only around tree removal. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Cutting down a tree is not always a necessary alternative to tree care. Our team always searches for ways to keep you and your tree together. We realize that your tree(s) provide a multitude of benefits to your environment. Interfering with this is never our goal. The techniques that we employ ensure that caring for your tree remains practical and manageable.
Proceed with Caution!
Prior to commencing with any type of tree surgery, we must first proceed with tree structure analysis. By doing so, we can determine the level of health and safety of your tree. For instance, if our inspection determines that a tree trunk has been compromised from an illness, we can provide stabilization by fastening ropes to the tree while work is completed.
After tree securing has been established, our arborists will then make calculated decisions regarding what equipment is needed. In the event that we are performing care to a wakened tree that is very tall, a crane may be needed. However, we often use a system to climb up the tree. The approaches utilized for climbing are as follows:
We work using systematic locations on the tree with sufficient backup plans to reduce or eliminate the risk of injuries. Tree climbing involving access to two ropes. In the event of a mishap, the second rope acts as a “safety line” to prevent falling during tree structure analysis and tree care.
Let The Operation Begin
Once our team ensures that your tree is safe and adequately poised, the real work can begin. If there are any branches that need to be removed or trimmed, the ability for the tree to heal itself afterwards is a high concern. For this reason, we engage in cutting procedures using exact angles.
Pruning branches requires precision cuts. Inexperienced individuals will often make the mistake of trimming branches too close. This can also remove the branch collar which impairs the healing process. If the cut is made too flat, the tree will also experience difficulties with repairing itself.
The tree surgeons at Low Price Tree Services strive to diminish any stress on trees with meticulous trimming maneuvers. When making cuts to tree limbs, we make every attempt to retain the tree’s natural conditions. This is done using approaches such as natural fracture pruning or coronet pruning. Although any type of cutting does cause temporary tree damage, these types of cutting procedures cause the least amount of damage and allow the tree to have the best outcome.
Tree Structural Support in Asheville & Buncombe County, NC
When tree branches, or trees as a whole become weakened, cabling & bracing are methods used to provide support to maintain tree safety. Cabling & bracing consists of the positioning of flexible braces and steel rope cables in trees to reduce or eliminate the damages that weight stress causes. Snow, ice and strong winds are some of nature’s elements that can affect a tree. The intent of cabling & bracing is to enhance the strength of weak branches over time. Eventually, this procedure will increase the endurance of branches so that they can counteract extreme weather patterns. The ultimate goal is to lessen risks. The qualified surgeons at Low Price Tree Services are equipped to analyze the bark along with oversized branches to diagnose weakened areas. Once these weak areas are pinpointed, we then commence to installing the braces and cables to apply the much needed support.
There is a lot of time and effort involved in sustaining the lives of trees. If you reside in North Carolina and live in Asheville, Henderson County, Buncombe County or Hendersonville, we’re here to assist you. If you have even the smallest concern that your trees need help, be sure to call Low Price Tree Services to receive a wealth of professional information and guidance.