Tree Planting Services in Asheville or Buncombe County, NC
After you occupy residence in your new humble abode or place of business, focus tends to shift to acquiring new dĂ©cor at reasonable prices. At Low Price Tree Services, our specialty is helping you to enhance the outside of your building. By adding trees, you can immediately increase your property’s value or attract new clients. However, keep in mind that a tree is not something that can just be dumped into the ground. Diligent care and proper techniques are necessary so that trees get a fair chance at survival. The right treatment and circumstances will produce a happy tree that can serve you for a very long time. In Hendersonville, Asheville and throughout Henderson County, NC, we’re going to change lives using one tree at a time.
Trees Don’t Come With Directions
There are no pre-packaged instructions that come with a tree on how to plant it. However, tree planting must be done correctly on the first try so that your tree has a fighting chance. Our expert tree planters at Low Price Tree Services are aware of the general rules for tree planting. We are aware that certain species of trees have exceptions to these rules. As an example, as opposed to other trees, palm trees do better during warm weather/summer planting. On the other hand, most other tree species are best planted when they are dormant. The period of tree dormancy occurs during fall and the first part of spring. The main sign of dormant season is when leaves first begin to fall off of trees. During this time, trees are more resilient when being planted or transplanted because they experience less shock to their systems.
Plant With Caution
Before digging the hole to plant a tree. It is important to make the correct decision on where tree planting will produce optimal results. Your designated tree planter from our company can help you with a strategy to get the most out of your tree. Planting in the right area can help you reduce heating and cooling costs, reduce stress and soften certain areas of your landscape.
The quality of the soil at the planting site is extremely important. The soil where the tree is planted must have a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. Anything outside of this range can hinder growth and development.
The existence of organic matter is also another important part of the soil. Only a maximum of 10% is required, however it is an ingredient that can be beneficial to a tree’s ability to thrive. Organic matter can consist of a composted form of pine bark or any other type of compost.
Tree Transplanting Services in Asheville & Buncombe County, NC
A lot of situations can change for people in Asheville, Hendersonville and throughout Henderson County, NC. You may be moving into a new house or another type of building. Or, the current location of the trees on your landscape may no longer serve their needed purpose. In either of these instances, we do offer the service of tree transplanting. A drawback is that it is very easy to injure roots during tree transplanting. Low Price Tree Services is aware that trees (especially mature trees) should be treated with “kid gloves” while being moved. The following are some common mistakes to avoid when transplanting a tree:
- Any tree being transplanted should be carried by the root ball or container. It should never be lifted from the trunk.
- While being transported, the tree should be provided with cushioning and covered from elements like sun and wind.
- If any roots become entangled, they should be carefully separated to reduce injury and root shock.
- A moved tree should never be dropped forcefully into the new planting hole. The trunk should also be as vertical as possible during the planting process.
- After a tree has been planted in a new area, it needs to be protected from the winter elements. The trunk should be wrapped in protective material.
- Too Much Of A Good Thing Is A Bad Thing
After your tree has been planted in its new spot, your motherly or fatherly instincts may overtake you. You may feel the need to be extremely attentive to your tree (especially for owners of mature trees with great sentimental value). However, you must resist the urge to over-care for your tree. Low Price Tree Services recommends that after we transplant your tree, do not provide any additional care outside of normal watering and applying mulch. Refrain from applying fertilizer as well. The sensitive roots could be hurt by the nitrogen in the fertilizer.
Caring For Younger Trees
We know that new locations may involve sprucing up your landscape with young trees. We want to remind you that the early years after your young tree has been planted are the most vital to its success. Immature trees need a lot of water. Rain water is great, but you should also water the roots periodically with a hose.
Pruning a young tree should be limited or avoided within the first year of planting. However, if there are any unfortunate dead or broken branches, those should be removed. If the crown needs to be raised, you should wait an extended amount of years before an lower branches are removed.
Low Price Tree Services wants to serve you with all your planting and tree transplantation needs. Although we stress the importance of correct procedures, planting a tree and being involved in the process can be fun and rewarding. Give us a call today so we can share the experience with you. The relationship with your tree should be one that is life-long. Let Low Price Tree Services be the glue that bonds the partnership between you and your new tree friend.