The best time to plant a tree in Candler, NC
There are two times of the years that are optimal for planting a new tree. The dormant time periods are what you are aiming for. This includes the fall and the spring. The reason spring is a great time is because it is just before the bud break. These climates are typically more moderate and will let plants extend and grow their roots easier. That being said rain during the spring and heat during the summer will help your plant to grow exponentially. It’s worth noting that with the right amount of care, you can plant balled or contained trees within these climates as well. Within more tropical environments trees can be successfully planted at any time of the year. What’s really important above all is that your newly planted trees receive the right amount of attention. Depending on your climates, and locations trees will require different levels of care.
When dealing with bur lapped trees keep in mind they lose a large section of their roots when they are initially dug. The aftermath of this has trees experiencing what some call “transplant shock” or a state of decreased nutrition and growth. This occurs because the tree has not adjusted to its new location, and is not yet used to taking in nutrients.