The benefits of planting trees
Trees are proven to reduce anxiety, stress, depression, and a host of other mental health conditions. That being said trees are incredibly beneficial physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s even been observed that recovering patients experience shorter recovery periods when they have access to the sight of trees. Recess in school isn’t just a way of allowing kids to spend their pool of energy. Kids will remember information more successfully if they are closer to trees during their school day. One of the most common ways to dedicate the lives of those important to us is by planting trees in their honor.
There is a whole host of reasons to plant trees that go beyond personal benefits. Trees close to your home will have an effect on you even if you don’t own them. It works the same way vice-versa. In fact neighborhoods with more trees tend to experience less traffic issues. This phenomenon is credited to the fact that trees have tranquilizing effects on those around them, this reduces rush, worry, fear and more feelings.